Wednesday, December 7, 2011


As I’m browsing the net, I found a page giving 17 tips that is a must do if you will have Christian relationship. Having a relationship is alright as long as it's proper and inline with God's will. Since it is too long for the likes of me(grown up ready to mingle Christian), I suggest brief steps to accomplish your romantic love without being rebellious to God.

1. BE SURE IN YOUR FEELINGS. You must authenticate your feelings if it’s really love. There are some cases wherein a person is just needy of affection but not really ready to commit with his/her partner. The result of this is fast breakup and eventually might affect your ministry and church activities. Ideally, always consider a relationship with someone you would consider marrying.

2. THERE MUST BE NO CONFLICT BEFORE HAVING A RELATIONSHIP. A relationship full of conflict is not the will of God. Problems are normal but too much of it is an indication that you are not fit for each other.

If you are not in the right age to have a relationship, don’t do anything foolish. Relationship is no child’s play. A young person having a relationship is irrational enough to handle this. This may lead to unwanted events. (If you are not convinced, watch Angelito in Channel 2 to give you idea)

If your partner to be is not a Christian, consider entering this kind of relationship. As what Miss Shamcey (first name basis?) said in Miss Universe, if a person really loves you, she will submit to your beliefs especially it is Jesus Christ. Entertaining a relationship with different belief is like poisoning yourself with muriatic acid. In the long run, it might kill your relationship with God.

If you are planning to be a no other man/woman in a relationship, think again. Being in this kind of situation will just bring a lot of pain. Moreover, God never allows third party relationship.

If you like someone but that someone doesn’t like you, don’t force yourself too much. I remember a fellow church mate which causes a lot of trouble whenever he tries to practice his evil thoughts. Every time I see a new girl entering the church, he is the first to greet (which is good) and first have a secret motive for the girl (which is bad). Instead of being a servant of God, God’s new found daughter will be forced to leave the church out of my church mate’s “forced love” attitude. If you really like someone, just pray for him/her. Be patient to find someone that God gave you.

3. GET PERMISSION TO YOUR FAMILY AND TO YOUR PASTORS. If you want to have a happy relationship, always consider people around you especially your parents and pastors. These people exactly know what’s best for you. Since your parents are the most important people you have, you should at least tell them if you will have a relationship. Anyway, you will need their blessing if you are going to marry. Pastors, on the other hand, will lead you in keeping your relationship in line with God. These two will guide your relationship properly.  Keeping your relationship secret with these people will give you hard time working out your relationship and will show that you’re not taking your relationship serious.

4. MAKE SURE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WILL FURTHER STRENGTHEN YOUR LOVE FOR GOD. A true Christian relationship is design to strengthen their relationship with God. If you found your relationship with God, good things will happen. I’m not promising there will be no problems inside the relationship, what I’m sure about is that God will help your relationship grow. Create time to pray and to participate in church activities together.

5. NEVER SKIP NUMBERS 1-4.Self-explanatory if you want to make a difference in your relationship.

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